QUILLÉN is the story of an eleven-year-old Chilean boy who goes on an quest to find his father, recently deceased, in a magical world of Chilean myths. Full of adventure, exciting characters, wonderful music, and fantastic Chilean and Mapuche mythology, QUILLÉN is sure to delight and touch the hearts of young and old alike.
Book & Lyrics: Jamie Buxton
8 Women
8 WOMEN is a black comedy, full of irony, drama and secrets. In a house isolated from the world, Marcelo is found dead in his room. Eight women are suspected of having committed a crime: his wife Gaby, his daughters Susana and Catalina, his mother-in-law Mimi, his sister-in-law Agustina, his sister Piera, and his two servants: Eduarda and Luisa. Who is the murderer?
Book & Lyrics: Felipe Vásquez-Encamilla
Based on a play by Robert Thomas.
Incoming Call
Playwright & Arranger
A family reunion, a first blind date, and a gay anniversary couple. INCOMING CALL is an X-ray of the loneliness that is currently experienced by pandemic isolation. It tells the detached and intertwined story of 7 characters who experience joy, disappointment, happiness, jealousy and lies that are exacerbated by adapting their routines to the current context. The text is designed to be assembled in a virtual way and navigates in the simple, real and everyday.
Original Main Song:
"Cueca del Tiempo", by Francesca Ancarola
La Pérgola de las Flores
Choral and band arranger
Premiered in 1960, LA PÉRGOLA DE LAS FLORES is a musical comedy that invites us to reflect on social conflicts that still persist today: the power struggle, influences and differences between different social classes.
The production featured 5 musicians on stage, and stood out for using innovative and refreshing original choral arrangements.
Book & Lyrics: Isidora Aguirre
Music: Francisco Flores del Campo
Love is not free
NO ES GRATIS EL AMOR (Love is not Free) is the story of a young woman who returns to her village, where she must face her past. The play, which takes place in a whorehouse, shows in a mischievous way a macho and concealing society. Will there be room for old prostitutes? Will there be room for diversity? Will revenge ease the pain and bring peace? Everything is paid. Even love. This work seeks to refresh the viewer through Chilean national rhythms such as the cueca and the tonada.
Book & Lyrics: Felipe Vásquez-Encamilla
Sinfonía de un Perro con Pulgas
SINFONIA DE UN PERRO CON PULGAS is an original children's play by Cia. La Fanfarria, co-written by Camila Monreal, Savka Pichara and Pablo Concha. Through a proposal based on recycling and classical music, the play's central theme is responsible pet ownership. Rodolfo is a puppy who is abandoned by his human family. Being a stray dog, he befriends some fleas and his fate changes when he is adopted by a girl who takes care of him.
Book & Lyrics: Cia. La Fanfarria
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